No one wants to think about the dangers that their pet can stumble onto in the home - but it's an important topic to tackle head on.
Pets are naturally curious creatures, and this curiosity often turns fatal when they find themselves in a dangerous situation. It might be a ladder propped up against a dresser, or a fireplace poker left on the floor - whatever it may be, these items can pose serious risks for your pets.
Here are a few tips to keep your dogs safe in your home:
1) Supervise your dog when he is around your house.
Make sure you're always paying attention to the events of the house, whether your pet is inside or outside. Keep an eye out for him playing around any dangerous items. Don't leave him alone in the house if there are any hazards that he could stumble onto.
2) Keep poisonous items stored away and out of reach.
Don't store toxic items such as antifreeze and rat poison in areas where they can be accessed by your pets! Keep these substances in high cabinets, which are unreachable by even the most curious dog. Also make sure to keep small boxes of matches and lighter fluid locked up as well.
3) Keep any pet-treats or medications away from prying paws.
Try to keep your dog's treats hidden away from his reach, and don't leave out a table of medicines that he might find. Keep all medications in a locked cabinet or high up on a shelf, and keep pet-treats in a similar place.
4) Keep proper identification on your pet at all times.
Make sure that your dog has a collar and tag that have the owner's name on it. This is very important, because if anything happens to him, it's easier to find the right person. It also helps to prevent him from getting lost if he ever manages to run away.
5) Clean up after your pets!
Don't leave dangerous items lying around in the house - clean up after your dog! If your dog finds a broken table leg, for example, make sure you remove it immediately from the house.
Your pet's safety is very important, and you should always be on the lookout for any dangerous items that may be lurking around your home.
Have any ideas on how to keep your dog safe? Share it with us! You can leave a comment at the bottom of this article!
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These tips are great for first time pet owners and home owners like me! It's my first time to have a small poodle in my new condo and I'm fairly new in living independently. Especially tip #4 where my little but crazy poodle loves to run outside the hallways everytime I open the door!