When purchasing a home with garage space, what is the most important question we need to ask ourselves?
Mostly likely, this isn't a difficult question at all. But when it comes to garage size and the number of cars one should keep, an appropriate response might be hard to come by. Doubtless, few would choose a 4-car garage if they needed room for twenty cars. So what number or size is appropriate? That's where this article can help!
Ahead of time today we talked about how many cars people should have in their garages and drew up an example plan that included three automobile stalls per bay with two bays total.
We also talked about the size of the garage itself and drew up a plan that allowed for a single stall garage.
In this article, you'll learn all about Garage Size and how one should figure out the number of cars they need. To help you with this, we have three quick tips you can use to figure out your garage size:
1) Look at your Lot Size Look at How Many Cars You Need Look at Your Garage Space Available (in this case two stalls per bay)
2) Add One More Stall for Each Car In Zones 1 and 2, you typically need to add a stall if that area is just one bay wide. In areas where two bays are needed (Zone 3), it's a little trickier because the most common method used is adding another bay as long as one of those bays is one-third the width of the other.
3) Find out if Your Garage Has Sun and Shade
Provided That Your Garage Is in or has an exposure to direct sunlight, it would make sense to add an extra stall so your vehicles don't get too hot during the summer months.
In the example plan above, with two stalls per bay, that makes for two stalls total in each garage.
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