Why should OFWs invest in real estate?
Have you ever thought about investing in stocks, bonds, investment funds, annuities, cash equivalents, retirement funds, and the likes? You might have, right? On the other hand, have you ever considered real estate as an investment? Or you just asked yourself, why should I invest in real estate?
So here’s a question: why?
"Because it's now or never", this statement might sound cliché but imagine living inside the comfort of your own house and lot, your so-called Filipino house, which turns out to be a home with your loved ones.
A house-and-lot unit can be an investment
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), considered as modern-day heroes, dream to fulfill this scenario for their families through any OFW investment — house and lot packages or condominium units. Properties such as real estate is regarded to be one of the best investments especially for those working overseas since it consistently increases in value in a span of years and surpass other well-known investments.
Dive into research
In consonance with the research by the International Labor Organization (ILO), many OFWs go back with lack of return preparedness, some feel that they have not yet achieved the goals that they had in mind when they left the country and migrate abroad for work.
Also, going back to the Philippines, some may experience difficulty in landing into jobs even though they have acquired skills and training abroad due to the opportunity requirements gap of local hiring companies.
Therefore, the best gift they can give to themselves when they finally decide to go home and settle for good in the Philippines is one of the basic needs of a man, which is a shelter or house and lot to be exact as it will be a symbol of hope for a new beginning and a new chapter of life they are about to battle.
Locally employed workers can invest too
In addition, not only OFWs should be aware, mindful, and knowledgeable of the Philippine real estate industry but also those Locally Employed Workers (LEWs) and the general public as well. At this time, many LEWs still don’t have their own Filipino house and lean towards renting a house or apartment near their workplace or office.
Looking for an agent? Get in touch with Vistaland International Marketing Inc!
With that said, Vistaland International Marketing Inc., also known as VIMI, has the confidence in providing OFWs all over the world as well as their families in the Philippines, LEWs, and the general public with proper information, guidance, and support in the process of acquiring their dream home.
Supposing you decide to give a go on investing and want to know more about the real estate industry, Vistaland International Marketing Inc. is ready to help you on your journey to achieving your family home, we are equipped with knowledge of a wide range of house and lot brands from affordable housing to luxury real estate developments. Let’s start building your dream, you can simply click the yellow messenger button right there or send us an email.
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