Why Exercise in Important
Exercise is important in so many ways. One of the most important reasons is because it makes you feel amazing! It’s also good for your health, but that’s almost a given. Your heart health, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels will all improve once you start exercising on a regular basis. It helps with weight management, balance problems and arthritis.
However, there are certain things that happen when you exercise regularly that are not as easily noticeable to the naked eye yet have a major impact on your life over time. These effects are all related to how well your brain functions throughout the day, including memory and concentration levels.
Here are simple workouts you can do at home:
1) Jumping Rope
Skipping rope everyday can help to increase bone density, strengthen your heart, and improve coordination. Be careful about the type of rope you're using as well - plastic is easier on your wrists than a heavier rope.
2) Plank Hold
If you want to get good abs, try doing a plank hold for a certain amount of time. Simply get in a push up position then hold the pose for as long as you can. The longer you hold it, the more amount of muscle fibers in your abs will be activated, and the better it will strengthen your abs.
3) Triceps Kickbacks
You can also try doing tricep kickbacks while standing. This exercise is great for increasing shoulder strength, which is important in skaters not only to help carry your equipment but also to help you skate faster.
4) Burpees
This exercise increases your heart rate and core strength at the same time. To do a burpee, jump up and down while doing multiple leg lifts.
5) Push-Ups
This is a great workout that you can do at home. Using your body weight, do push ups over and over again until you get bored of them. They're great for strengthening your arms, shoulders, chest and back muscles. It's an excellent way of building that "perfect looking six pack.
6) Learn a new sport
If you've been skating for a long time, you may want to try Kayaking or wakeboarding. They're different from rollerblading in terms of exercises and help you learn new skills that will make you a better skater overall.
7) Cardio
Try doing some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio workout. The benefit of this is that it can exhaust your muscles much more than the usual aerobic exercises will do, making your muscles need longer to recover than usual.
Most of the time, exercise isn't necessary. If you're a casual skater who only moves around in public and does little else, there's no real reason to do any of the above mentioned exercises. The only reason that I recommended these exercises is because they're beneficial to all types of skaters no matter how long you've been skating.
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it's a great indoor activity to do in your home